Цялостни решения за приемане, обработване, пренос и излъчване на медия в кабелен, ефирен, сателитен или IPTV формати.
Процесорът 8ASI DVB-C 4RF е многофункционално устройство, предназначено за цифрово телевизионно излъчване, осигурява TS ремултиплексиране, кодиране с кодировка DV Crypt, QAM модулиране. Проектиран е за използване в кабелна телевизионна мрежа.
Основни функции:
Процесорът възпроизвежда до 8 входа транспортни потоци и формира до 4 пакета във формат DVB-C с RF изход. IP изходът може да се използва за транспортиране на един от пакетите чрез IP мрежа или за наблюдение на един от пакетите, избрани от изходен или входен поток на вашия компютър.
· INPUT INTERFACE : eight DVB-ASI inputs;
· OUTPUT INTERFACE : two DVB-ASI outputs, one RF output, one 100M IP output;
· Frequency range: 36-900 MHz;
· Modulation type: QAM; constellation 32/64/128/256;
· Output signal bandwidth: less 8 MHz;
· Adjustable symbol rate: 1-6.9 Msym/s, 1ksym/s step;
· Output RF signal level: 100 dB/uV, adjustment -10dB/uV;
· IP: RTP, UDP, RTP+ protocol support;
DEXING DHP400 - мултифункционална цифрова платформа за телевизия.
•Малък форм-фактор – 1RU;
•Прецизна обработка на DVB стриймовете;
•Лесно управление през WebUI – с дистанционен достъп;
•DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-C, DVB-ASI, IP/Ethernet интерфейси;
•Преднзначена за обработка и транспорт на съдържание за Cable TV и IPTV главни станции;
•Поддръжка на MPEG-2 & MPEG-4 стриймове, SD & HD;
•Ниска консумация на енергия:
•6 слота за интерфейсни карти:
•Позволява надграждане според нуждите на оператора;
•Всички модули са сменяеми в работен режим (Plug&Play):
•2 gigabit ethernet SFP модулни I/O слота за IP стрийминг:
•Лесна адаптация към всяка IP мрежа;
•2 x 10/100BaseT интерфейсни входа за WEB / Telnet мениджмънт за общ контрол и за връзка със CAS сървъра.
4 ASI/IP Multiplexing Module (DX504)
Module Specifications:
ASI inputs/outputs: 4 ASI bi-direction, BNC 75Ω
IP inputs/outputs: 2 Ethernet Port(100/1000M)
Re-multiplexing: PID remapping, PCR correction, generate PSI/ SI table automatically
Stream In: maximum 4 ASI input, 256×2 IP input
Stream Out: maximum 4 ASI output, 4 IP output
5 ASI Multiplexing Module (DX505)
Module Specifications:
ASI inputs/outputs: 5 ASI bi-direction, BNC 75Ω
Stream in: maximum 5 ASI input
Re-multiplexing: PID remapping, PCR correction, generate PSI/ SI table automatically
Stream out: maximum 5 ASI output
EAS IP Multiplexing Module (DX506)
Module Specifications:
IP input: 512 SPTS or MPTS input over UDP, RTP, Unicast and Multicast thru GE1 Ethernet Port(100/1000M)
Re-multiplexing: PID remapping, PCR correction, generate PSI/ SI table automatically
Stream Out: 512 SPTS output over UDP, RTP, Unicast and Multicast
thru GE2 Ethernet Port(100/1000M)
IP Multiplexing Module(DX508)
Module Specifications:
ASI input: 1 ASI input (SPTS), BNC 75Ω
IP input: 256 IP input thru 1 GE1(100/1000M)
EAS Source: ASI or IP (256th channel) (ASI&IP should be SPTS, both can’t mux)
Re-multiplexing: PID remapping, PCR correction, generate PSI/ SI table automatically
Stream Out: 8 IP output thru GE1 , maximum 8 programs each channel
4 CVBS Encoding Module (DX214/214A)
Module Specifications:
Input: 4 CVBS video, 4 Stereo Audio (DB9 to RCA)
Video Encoding:
Video format: MPEG-2 (4:2:0)
Image format: PAL, NTSC SD signal
Input resolution: 720×480_60i, 544×480_60i, 352×480_60i, 352×240_60i,
320×240_60i, 176×240_60i, 176×120_60i, 720×576_50i,
704×576_50i, 640×576_50i, 352×288_50i, 320×288_50i,
176×288_50i, 176×144_50i
GOP structure: IP, IBP, IBBP, IBBBP
Video bitrate: 0.1Mbps~8Mbps per channel (for DX214)
0.5Mbps~8Mbps per channel (for DX214A)
Support CC (closed caption)
Audio Encoding:
Audio format: MPEG-1 Layer 2, DD AC3 (2.0)
Sampling rate: 48KHz
Resolution: 24-bit
Audio bitrate:128/192/256/320/384kbps each channel
Support Logo, Caption, QR Code insertion (for DX214A only)
4 CVBS Encoding Module (DX214B)
Module Specifications:
Input: 4 CVBS video, 4 Stereo Audio (DB9 to RCA)
Video Encoding:
Video format: MPEG-2, MPEG4 AVC/H.264
Image format: PAL, NTSC SD signal
PAL:720*576/352*288/320*240/ 320*180/176*144/160*120/160*90@50Hz
NTSC: 720*480/352*288/320*240/ 320*180/176*144/160*120/160*90@59.94Hz
Rate Control: CBR/VBR
GOP structure: IBBPB
Video bitrate: 0.5~5Mbps for MPEG4 AVC/H.264 encoding
0.5~5Mbps for MPEG-2 encoding
Audio Encoding:
Audio format: MPEG1 Audio Layer 2, LC-AAC, HE-AAC V2
Sampling rate: 48KHz
Resolution: 24-bit
Bit-rate: 48-384Kbps each channel
Support Logo, Caption, QR Code insertion
8 CVBS Encoding Module(DX218S)
Module Specifications:
Input: 8 CVBS video, 8 Stereo Audio (DB15 to RCA)
Video Encoding:
Video format: MPEG4 AVC/H.264
Image format: PAL, NTSC SD signal
Resolution: 720×576i, 720×480i
Rate Control: CBR/VBR
GOP structure: IPP
Video bitrate: 1~7Mbps each channel
Audio Encoding:
Audio format: MPEG-1 Layer 2
Sampling rate: 48KHz
Resolution: 24-bit
Bit-rate: 64/128/192/224/256/320/384Kbps each channel
Support Logo, Caption, QR Code insertion
2 HDMI Encoding/Transcoding Module (DX202A)
Module Specifications:
Input: 2*HDMI, 2*BNC for CC (Closed Caption) input
Video Encoding:
Video format: MPEG2 & MPEG4 AVC/H.264
Input resolution:
1920*1080_60P, 1920*1080_50P, 1920*1080_60i, 1920*1080_50i, 1280*720_60p, 1280*720_50P, 720*480_60i, 720*576_50i
Rate control mode: CBR/VBR
Aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:3
Video bitrate: 0.8~19Mbps for H.264 encoding
1~19.5Mbps for MPEG-2 encoding
Support CC (closed caption)
Audio Encoding:
Audio format: MPEG1 Layer II, MPEG2-AAC, MPEG4-AAC,
Dolby Digital AC3 (2.0) encoding (Optional); AC3 (2.0/5.1) passthrough
Sampling rate: 48KHz
Audio bitrate: 64Kbps-320kbps each channel
Video Tanscoding:
2*MPEG2 HD → 2*MPEG2/H.264 HD; 2*MPEG2 HD → 2*MPEG2/H.264 SD;
2* H.264 HD → 2*MPEG2/H.264 HD; 2* H.264 HD → 2*MPEG2/H.264 SD;
4 *MPEG2 SD → 4 *MPEG2/H.264 SD; 4* H.264 SD → 4 *MPEG2/H.264 SD
Audio Tanscoding:
MPEG-1 Layer 2, AAC and AC3
2 HD-SDI Encoding/Transcoding Module (DX202A-D)
Module Specifications:
Input: 2*HD-SDI
Video Encoding:
Video format: MPEG2 & MPEG4 AVC/H.264
Input resolution:
1920*1080_60P, 1920*1080_50P, 1920*1080_60i, 1920*1080_50i, 1280*720_60p, 1280*720_50P, 720*480_60i, 720*576_50i
Rate control mode: CBR/VBR
Aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:3
Video bitrate: 0.8~19Mbps for H.264 encoding;
1~19.5Mbps for MPEG-2 encoding
Support CC (closed caption)
Audio Encoding:
Audio format:
Dolby Digital AC3 (2.0) encoding (Optional), AC3 (2.0/5.1) passthrough
Sampling rate: 48KHz
Audio bitrate: 64Kbps-320kbps each channel
Video Tanscoding:
2*MPEG2 HD → 2*MPEG2/H.264 HD; 2*MPEG2 HD → 2*MPEG2/H.264 SD;
2* H.264 HD → 2*MPEG2/H.264 HD; 2* H.264 HD → 2*MPEG2/H.264 SD;
4 *MPEG2 SD → 4 *MPEG2/H.264 SD; 4* H.264 SD → 4 *MPEG2/H.264 SD
Audio Tanscoding:
MPEG-1 Layer 2, AAC and AC3
4 HDMI Encoding Module (DX224)
Module Specifications:
Input: 4*HDMI
Video Encoding:
Video format: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
Input resolution:
1920×1080_60P, 1920×1080_50P, 1920×1080_60i, 1920×1080_50i,
1280×720_60P, 1280×720_50P, 720×576_50i, 720×480_60i
GOP structure: IBBP
Video bitrate: 0.8Mbps~19Mbps each channel
Rate Control: CBR/VBR
Audio Encoding:
Audio format: MPEG1 Layer II, (MPEG-2 AAC, MPEG-4 AAC Optional), AC3 passthrough
Sampling rate: 48KHz
Resolution: 24-bit
Audio bitrate: 64Kbps~320Kbps each channel
Audio Gain Control: 0-400%
4 HDMI/SDI Encoding Module(DX224S/DX224SD)
Module Specifications:
Input: 4*HDMI/4*SDI
Video Encoding:
Video format: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
Input resolution: 1920×1080_60P, 1920×1080_60i, 1920×1080_50P, 1920×1080_50i,
1280×720_60P, 1280×720_50P, 720×576_50i, 720×480_60i,
Output resolution: 1920×1080_30P, 1920×1080_25P, 1280×720_30P, 1280×720_25P,
GOP structure: IP…P (P Frame adjustment, without B Frame)
Video Bit-rate: 1Mbps~13Mbps each channel
Rate Control: CBR/VBR
Audio Encoding:
Audio format: MPEG1 Layer II, support audio gain adjustment
Sampling rate: 48 KHz
Resolution: 24-bit
Audio Bit-rate: 64kbps,128Kbps,192kbps,224kbps,256kbps,320kbps,384kbps
Support Logo, Caption, QR Code insertion
2 IP Transcoding Module (DX202)
Module Specifications:
Resolution: 480i, 576i, 720P@50, 720P@60, 1080i@50, 1080i@60, 1080P@50, 1080P@60
Video Tanscoding:
2*MPEG-2/ H.264/ AVS/AVS+ HD/SD → 2* H.264 HD/SD
Video Bit-rate: 1~19.5Mbps each channel
Rate Mode: CBR/VBR
Audio bitrate: 64/96/128/192/256/320/384Kbps
Audio Gain Control: 0-100
16/32 QAM Modulating Module (DX316/DX332)
Module Specifications:
Data input: 512×2 IP input over UDP/RTP, 2 GE Ports (RJ45/SFP), Stream connector
Data output: 16 or 32 IP output over UDP/RTP/RTSP, unicast/multicast, 2 GE Ports (RJ45/SFP)
Trans Rate: Max 840Mbps/GE Port
RF output (F type): 16/32 channels of multiplexing, scrambling and modualtion.
Maximum PID Remapping: 180 output pids per channel for DX316, 256 output pids per channel for DX332
Function: PID remapping (automatically or manually), Accurate PCR adjusting, generate PSI/SI table automatically
Maximum simulcrypt CA: 4
Standard: ETR289, ETSI 101 197, ETSI 103 197
Connection: Local/remote connection
Standard: EN300 429/ITU-T J.83A/B (DVB-C)
MER: ≥40dB
RF frequency: 50~960MHz, 1KHz step
RF output level: -20~+10dBm (87~117 dBµV), 0.1dB step for all carriers
Symbol Rate: 5.0Msps~7.0Msps, 1ksps stepping
Constellation: 16/32/64/128/256QAM
DX316 Output: 16 non-adjacent carrier outputs within 192M bandwidth
DX332 Output: 32 non-adjacent carrier outputs within 384M bandwidth
8 DVB-T/ATSC Modulating Module (DX308T/DX308AT)
Module Specifications:
Data input:
Stream connector
256 IP input over UDP/RTP, 2GE Ports (RJ45/SFP) —— DX308T
256 IP input over UDP/RTP, 2GE Ports (RJ45/SFP) —— DX308AT
Data output: 8 IP output over UDP/RTP/RTSP, unicast/multicast, 2 GE Ports (RJ45/SFP)
Trans Rate: Max 840Mbps/GE Port
RF Output (F type): 8 non-adjacent carrier outputs within 192M bandwidth
Channel Number: 8 multiplexing channels
Maximum PID Remapping: 180 output pids per channel
Function: PID remapping (automatically or manually), Accurate PCR adjusting, generate PSI/ SI table automatically
Modulation: DX308T (8*DVB-T)
Standard: ETSI EN300 744 MER: ≥40dB
RF Frequency: 50~960MHz, 1KHz step
Constellation: QPSK/16QAM/64QAM Bandwidth: 6/7/8 MHz
Trans mode: 2K/4K/8K FEC: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
RF Output Level: -20~+10dBm (for all carriers), 0.5dB step
Modulation: DX308AT (8*ATSC)
Standard: ATSC A/53 MER: ≥40dB RF Frequency: 50~960MHz, 1KHz step
Constellation: 8VSB Bandwidth: 6MHz FEC: RS(208 188)+Trellis
RF Output Level: -20~+10dBm (for all carriers), 0.5dB step
6 ISDB-Tb Modulating Module (DX306I)
Module Specifications:
Data input: 32×6 IP input over UDP/RTP, 2 GE Ports (RJ45/SFP) and stream connector
Data output: 6 IP output over UDP/RTP/RTSP, unicast/multicast, 2 GE Ports (RJ45/SFP)
Trans Rate: Max 840Mbps/GE Port
RF output (F type): 6 channels of multiplexing and modualtion.
Maximum PID Remapping: 180 output pids per channel
Function: PID remapping (automatically or manually), Accurate PCR adjusting, generate PSI/ SI table automatically
Standard: ARIB STD-B31
Bandwidth: 6M Constellation: QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
Guard Interval: 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 Transmission Mode: 2K, 4K, 8K
Code rate: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 MER: ≥40dB
RF frequency: 50~960MHz, 1KHz step
2 Tuner Descrambling Module (DX902/DX912)
Module Specifications:
Stream in: 2 Tuner input, F Type
DVB-CI: 2 Independent common interface slots
Standard: DX902: DVB-S/S2; DX912: DVB-C
Tuner Section:
DVB-S Input Frequency: 950-2150MHz
Symbol Rate: QPSK 1~45Msps
Signal Strength: -65~ -25dBm
FEC Demodulation: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
DVB-S2 Input Frequency: 950-2150MHz
Symbol rate: QPSK/8PSK 1~45Msps
16APSK 1~45 Msps 32APSK1~32 Msps
FEC Demodulation: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4,5/6,7/8, 4/5,5/6,8/9, 9/10
DVB-C Standard: J.83A(DVB-C), J.83B, J.83C
Input Frequency: 30-960MHz
Constellation: 16/32/64/128/256 QAM
Support Diseqc function (For DX902)
Maximum PID Remapping: 256 output pids
Function: PID remapping (automatically or manually), Accurate PCR adjusting, generate PSI/ SI table automatically
CAM/CI Quantity: 2
BISS Mode: Mode 1, Mode E; up to 120Mbps (Optional as required)
4 FTA Tuner Module (DX904/DX914/DX944)
Module Specifications:
Stream in: 4 Tuner input, F Type
Standard: DX904: DVB-S/S2; DX914: DVB-C; DX944: DVB-T/T2
Input Frequency: 950-2150MHz 950-2150MHz
Symbol Rate: QPSK 1~45 Msps QPSK/8PSK 1~45 Msps,
16APSK 1~45 Msps,
32APSK1~32 Msps
(16APSK&32APSK are optional as required)
FEC Demodulation:1/2, 2/3,3/4,5/6,7/8 1/2, 2/3,3/4,5/6,7/8,4/5,5/6,8/9, 9/10
Signal Strength: -65 ~ -25dBm
Support Diseqc function (For DX904)
DVB-C Standard: J.83A (DVB-C), J.83B, J.83C
Input Frequency: 30-1000MHz
Constellation: 16/32/64/128/256 QAM
DVB-T/T2: Standard: DVB-T/T2
Input Frequency: 30 MHz~1000 MHz
Bandwidth: 6M, 7M, 8M
PLP Index:0,1,2,3(for DVB-T2)
Maximum PID Remapping: 256 input
Function: PID remapping (automatically/ manually), Accurate PCR adjust
2 HD-SDI Decoding Module (DX702)
Module Specifications:
ASI input/output: 2 ASI bi-direction, BNC 75Ω
Video/Audio Out: 2 HD/SD SDI output Video Format: MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
Resolution: 480i,480p,576i,576p,720p@50/59.94/60,1080i@50/59.94/60
Chroma: 4:2:0
Audio Format: MPEG1 Layer2, LC-AAC, HE-AAC, AC3 (2.0/5.1), AC3 Passthrough,
Support Dual Audio Out
Support CC/Subtitle
Equipment Specifications:
Base Unit Parameters
Dimension(W×L×H): 482mm×410mm×44mm
Environment: 0~45℃(work); -20~80℃(Storage)
Power requirements AC 110V± 10%, 50/60Hz, AC 220 ± 10%, 50/60Hz